Safeguarding Policies

Our Approach

The safety and wellbeing of all the children we work with, will always be our highest priority. Our entire coaching team understand the vital role they play in safeguarding our young people and this is at the heart of all that we do.

Our team of coaches attend annual safeguarding training and all hold the level 2 qualification. In addition, they are kept up to date with changes to legislation and best practice including updates to KCSIE.

We hold regular safeguarding meetings and share any findings with our stakeholders as we understand that safeguarding is everybody's responsibility.  We work closely with Headteachers, Designated Safeguarding Leads and parents as sharing information is key to keeping children and young people safe.

If you have a concern about a child that you would like to share with us, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Jody Rivers
Designated Safeguarding Lead