Astrella Academy of Football's 360 Vision

Astrella Academy of Football
Five Star Principles

  • Manners - Use the words “Please”, “Thank you”, “Hello”, “Goodbye” as much as possible. It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it that matters.
  • Timekeeping - Be prepared and ready to focus on your goals. Be someone who can be relied upon.
  • Independence - Learn to do things for yourself. Step out of your comfort zone to develop new life skills. Start every day by making your own bed.
  • Teamwork - Understand that to be successful your skills alone will not be enough. Recognise other’s achievements and enjoy their triumphs.
  • Humility - Recognise your values, skills and successes but always maintain a dignified attitude in verbal comments and body language.


Astrella Academy of Football BELIEVE that more importantly than becoming the complete footballer that we STRIVE to become the most complete person we can be. This means developing ourselves as individual’s with the life skills to be independent whilst using those traits to be able to work as part of a team to ACHIEVE our ambitions and dreams. Astrella Academy of Football’s 360 Vision is aimed at developing the complete person using Football and sport as the perfect way to enhance this within our players and coaches.


Believing in both our individual and friend’s potential starts with building confidence. This doesn’t always mean we will be the loudest, the quickest or the strongest. Belief comes from perseverance, by learning from failures as well as successes and success can be looked upon in several ways. For example you can lose a game of Football in score line but if you’ve been brave on the ball, expressed yourself or encouraged team mates during the game then success has been achieved. Respect for others is one of the basic requirements of democratic life and the capacity to live in society. It affects the individual and has both a social and a collective dimension. Respect is a fundamental part of sport, for sport generates situations of tension that have to be resolved almost instantaneously. There is therefore a need, above rules and standards, for this value to be present in order to guarantee cordial and correct interrelations between people. In sport, respect is needed in similar situations to those where it is demanded in wider society, but the intensity of the moment implies that the presence or absence of respect can be very obvious and can affect the development of the situation or event. There are many social models that avoid effort and advocate instead luck, opportunism and immediate triumph. However, effort is a value that can take us to unthinkable heights and lead us to achieve targets and objectives that may at other times appear distant or inaccessible. Dedication, rigour, constancy, sacrifice and perseverance all bear fruit, while luck and the search for a quick win are often fleeting and momentary. Note that at school, teachers have for a long time being promoting a culture of effort as the vehicle for academic development and personal achievement, and this helps to construct new social models.


We must strive to become better every day. This can be in small or large doses, with achievements that are recognised by other’s or indeed within ourselves. Ambition is the desire to the maximum performance and do things not only well but also as well as is feasibly possible and to improve every day. This value is applicable both to individuals and to groups. It involves use of a web of values as varied as excellence, patience, discipline, order, motivation and responsibility. Indeed, ambition invokes and requires a broad system of values and, in turn, is related with a job being done well, effort and rigour. Regarding targets, ambition is probably the surest way of achieving them, for it is the impulse to grow.


A sense of achievement is the greatest feeling in the world. Individual achievements feel great but to share these experiences or indeed celebrated others success is just as rewarding. Teamwork implies that the subject forms part of a group and that, as a member of the same, becomes an active element that acts on behalf of the whole (sometimes even to the determine of their own individuality). There are undeniable benefits of knowing that you are part of a team and this requires the learning and accentuation of many other values. Often when athletes, and people in general, achieve the goals they have set themselves, they start feeling superior in physical, moral, economic and other terms, and this leads them to forget certain values that have in all probability helped them to achieved those very goals: effort, perseverance, self-control and determination.